He founded the School Mutual Society, created the School Library and the Museum of schoolwork as well as promoting and achieving that the construction of the School Group and graduation of unitary schools was carried out.
Leonardo Carreres Liñana was teacher of Aielo de Malferit in two stages. The first as interim substitute teacher, from the 29th of October 1904 until the 14th of September 1911. The second stage, in tenure, lasted from the 11th of February 1916 until his retirement on the 2nd of March, 1951.
Leonardo prompted one of the largest educational reforms in Aielo de Malferit, reorganizing schools and student activities. He created the prize distribution of the school, one of the most solemn acts of the festivities. The impression made by his activity was so valued, that the Mayor, before the Local Board of Education, granted him the the Vote of Grace.
He organized field trips to the most important prehistoric sites “Cova la Fos”, “Molló de les Mentires”,where students gathered prehistoric objects, minerals and fossils for the School Museum. He was also concerned with the training of adults organizing a series of cultural conferences, where prominent personalities presented their knowledge.
He was secretary of the Conference of St. Vincent of Paul to help the poor, president of Catholic Action, the Vestry and the Nocturnal Adoration.
He was councilman and Mayor-President. He was one of the founders of the Agricultural Union of Aielo “Christ of Poverty” in which he held the position of secretary, without pay, until its dissolution.
He founded the Municipal Library with Ms. Ángeles Belda Soler, professor at the Institute. He was a literary and administrative correspondent of the Diario Levante in Valencia. He was responsible for the Rainfall Station and was correspondent for the Fabra Observatory of Barcelona for recording earthquakes. For many years he was a chair in the Committee on Festivities.
He founded the School Mutuality, which earned him obtaining another Vote of Grace, and several awards from the National Institute of Forecast. On the occasion of the creation by the Pastor Juan Sanchis Requena, of a night school for adults, of a particular character, Leonardo, he took charge of it, without receiving any compensation for his professional work. He also created the School Library and Schoolwork Museum. He promoted and managed to get carried out the construction of the School Group and the graduation of unitary schools.
He won countless awards and diplomas in various educational and literary contests. In the multitudinous academic ceremony held on the occasion of his retirement he won the first class Medal of Consistency.
“Mis queridos ayelenses: Mi edad y los achaques que la rodean no me permiten dialogar con vosotros. Esta es mi última lección, una más de las muchas que os he dado. He gastado lo mejor de mi vida en vosotros, trabajando para haceros hombres dignos de Dios y de España, aptos para la vida y para desempeñar los cargos que la sociedad había de exigir de vosotros.
No estoy arrepentido, estoy contento y orgulloso de haber sido maestro de Ayelo de Malferit, de haber dedicado mi vida a vosotros que tan bien me habéis correspondido. Azares de la vida me han separado de vosotros, cuando yo esperaba descansar de mis afanes en vuestra compañía y a la sombra del Santísimo Cristo de la Pobreza.
¡No Hay remedio! Estoy separado de vosotros, pero os tengo en mi corazón, sois mis hijos y os amo de verdad; os he formado, os he dirigido y me habéis correspondido.
En cambio, ahí os dejo mi herencia: una escuela que yo inicié, que se realizó por el noble desprendimiento de aquel gran patricio llamado don Bautista Aparici, y por el tesón de otro patricio, entonces alcalde, Miguel Colomer, dotada de un pequeño museo, biblioteca infantil y repleta de material escolar. En colaboración con una insigne ayelense, la señorita doña Ángeles Belda, fundamos la Biblioteca Municipal en la misma escuela.”
Leonardo Carreres